Inspired by the timeless story of Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story takes place in the vibrant battleground of New York City’s West Side in the 1950’s. In the midst of the deep-seated rivalry between the Sharks and the Jets, Maria and Tony discover that ancient grudges are no match for true love. Their warring factions, however, refuse to back down, and the rumbles, romance, and resentment lead the path to the couples’ ultimate, tragic conclusion. With soaring, sophisticated, and diverse melodies, energetic and athletic dance battles, and its remarkably salient social message, West Side Story remains one of American musical theater’s most revolutionary and most loved treasures.
This Musical Theater Intensive summer show is for ages 14-19 and NYT alumni. There are two tracks to chose from – Audition/Performer Track or Backstage Track.
Audition/Performer Track
Audition to perform in this fast-paced two-week musical theater production. Broaden your skills in singing, dancing, and acting while working to put on a full scale musical theater show!
Backstage Track
Learn all the fundamentals of theater production including sets, lighting, sound, props, costumes, and more. Students will be taught the necessary skills to be a part of the backstage crew for the production of West Side Story.
Audition, Rehearsal & Performance Dates and Locations Coming Soon!