2025-26 Company Auditions:
Ages: 14-19 (by Sept 1, 2025)
Monday, May 12 or
Friday, May 16
Koinonia Church




2024-25 Company 

Company 1 
Kyle Cabote
Anna Freeman
Jacob Hale
Carissa Holland
Davison Huber
Avery Kotrla
Winnie Shashack
Violet Terrill
Rylee Williams

Company 2 
Alivia Helm
Luke Housos
Caleb Jasso
Hannah Lachney
Charis Lichnovsky
Sadie Paffie
Bianca Rocha
Sebastian Rocha

Company 3 
Hallie Bryant
Hannah Derksen
Sara Freeman
Lily Hernandez
Raina Murphy
Angela Prescott
Brooklynn Vincent
Lilly Shashack, apprentice

Company Dates (as of 8/29/24):
March 4 — Class
TBA — Project Dance Weekend + Rehearsals
March 18 — Class
March 25 — Class
April 1 — Class
April 8 — Class
April 15 — Class
April 22 — Class
April 29 — Class
May 6 — Mandatory Class

Required Class Times for Company Members: 1x per week
Company Members are required to attend classes weekly and come to class prepared.
Tuesday 6:50-9:00 (Company 1 & 2)
Tuesday 5:40-7:50 (Company 3)
Collective Church, Magnolia
Additional Required Company Member Fees:
Project Dance Fee: estimated $300 (see policies at registration; fundraising available)
Recital Fee: $120 for Company 1 & 2; $70 for Company 3 (includes photos)
Monthly Tuition Fee:
Companies are 2 hours per week at $100 per month.
The registration fee is $35 per student.
Additional Information to Know:
Annual performance commitment falls on 1 spring break weekend.
Integrity, high character, and leadership expected from Company Members in and outside of NYT activities.
Additional performance opportunities throughout the year, which will require additional mandatory rehearsals.
Members can be in Company AND Show Choir.


Company Member Commitment Agreement:
Being a part of NYT Studio Company is a higher level of commitment than other dance classes.  Company Members are expected to be at every rehearsal and performance opportunity.  If a conflict arises, Company Members are expected to give an advance notice to Ms. Carla AND their primary instructor (if it is not Ms. Carla).  Missing rehearsals may result in being taken out of a piece, and multiple missed rehearsals may result in being asked to step down from the Company. It will be up to the Company Director’s discretion if you will be included in content/pieces that are worked on in the rehearsal you miss. Company Members need to consider the level of commitment that is required before auditioning. The week of performances there will be mandatory extra rehearsals which will be communicated with advanced notice. The extra rehearsals will be communicated when the performance dates are also presented and agreed to. There will be no requirement for classes along with Company this year, however the Company Members will be subject to auditions every year. So it is in their best interest to keep their technical training up.  All Company expectations for leadership, stewardship, and conduct will be communicated in the beginning of the season. Disrespectful behavior or disregard for agreed upon conduct during NYT functions will result in dismissal from the Company.

Once registration is complete, you will receive an email with the following form request.  Please fill it out prior to auditions.