Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka follows enigmatic candy manufacturer, Willy Wonka, as he stages a contest by hiding golden tickets in five of his scrumptious candy bars. Whomever comes up with these tickets will win a free tour of the Wonka factory, as well as a lifetime supply of candy. Four of the five winning children are insufferable brats: the fifth is a likeable young lad named Charlie Bucket, who takes the tour in the company of his equally amiable grandfather. The children must learn to follow Mr. Wonka’s rules in the factory… or suffer the consequences.

REHEARSALS: August 23-Oct. 26 (No rehearsals August 30 & 31)
Fridays, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. & Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Tomball Methodist Church, 1603 Baker Drive, Tomball 77375

TECH WEEK: October 28-31
Tech Move-in is October 27
(No conflicts allowed for Tech Week or Shows)
October 28-31, 5 p.m.-9:30 p.m. 
Lone Star College Tomball, Performing Arts Center
30555 Tomball Parkway, Tomball 77375

PERFORMANCES: November 1-3
Nov. 1 at 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. (School Day Shows) and 7 p.m.
Nov. 2 at 2 p.m. & 6 p.m.
Nov. 3 at 2 p.m. & 6 p.m.
Lone Star College Tomball, Performing Arts Center
30555 Tomball Parkway, Tomball 77375


Kristel Williams, Director
Britanie Long, Assistant Director
David Horn, Vocal Director
Katie Terrill, Choreographer
Jenny Moyado, Guest Choreographer
Monica Barnett, Vocal Directing Intern

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. ~ James 4:10


If you have any questions, please contact the show producer at [email protected].


Wonka: Tommy Ovaitt
Charlie: Micah Williams
Grandpa Joe: Taro Ariz
Mrs. Bucket: Raina Murphy
Mr. Bucket: Grayson Rice
Augustus: Rick Veldhuijzen
Mrs. Gloop: Sonora Mendoza
Veruca: Preslie Long
Mr. Salt: Nate Kendall
Violet: Joelle Osborne
Mrs. Beauregard: Annie Cole
Mike TV: Hudson Terrill
Mrs. Karen TV: Ashlyn Blooflat
Candy Man: Cade Ransom
Reporter-Sally Jesse: Eden Martinez
Reporter-Geraldo: Rowan Watson
Grandpa George: JT Wight
Grandma Georgina: Sofia Heckner
Grandma Josephina: Alabama Lackey
Jenny: Eyva Barnett
Forrest: Owen Albers
Newspaper kid: Korbyn True
Camera Man: Mark Adam Cole
Cornelia Primsmetal: Vada Stoker
Mrs. Primsmetal: Violet Day
Head Oompa Loompa-Noodle: Penelope Pham


Mike TeaVee Homeboys:
Daniel Bird
Korbyn True
Charlie Williams
Nathaniel Williamson


Chefs: TBD


Featured Soloists: Candyman
Ainsley Collins
Kayleigh Cunningham
August Helm
Auggie Hooton
Penny Hooton


Featured Soloists: Golden Age of Chocolate
Stella Boomer
Jazelyn Brazzell
Raylin Murphy
Clara Osborne
Madeline Tharp
Kammie Williams


Dance Crew
Karly Beumer
Rebecca Beumer
Virginia Collins
Lilah Craig
Penny Hooton
Brooke Martinez
Quillyn Maurer
Clara Osborne
Lilly Shashack
Madeline Tharp
Moriah True
Kammie Williams


Dance Chorus (Townsperson/Oompa Loompa)
Eyva Barnett
Eliana Beier
Daniel Bird
Stella Boomer
Jazelyn Brazzell
Mark Adam Cole
Violet Day
Joseph Guido
John Hendrix
Lana Lease
Brilyn Long
Eden Martinez
Toli Mendoza
Adelyn Moore
Raylin Murphy
Raina Murphy
Penelope Pham
Cade Ransom
Grayson Rice
Sadie Rice
Meggie Shashack
Leah Silva
Camdyn Smith
Korbyn True
Justin Van Deusen
Rowan Watson
JT Wight
Charlie Williams
Nathaniel Williamson


Purple Troupe (Townsperson/Oompa Loompa)
Jacob Albers
Owen Albers
Marley Aleman
Amelia Borden
Claire Borden
Jeremiah Brock
Haddie Brown
Ronan Burger
Andy Clark
Rory Desharnais
Anabella Garcia
Jenson Hamrick
Auggie Hooton
Royal Jordan
Hope Kelsey
Alabama Lackey
Mitchell Lease
Amelia Maurer
Alyssa Perez
Vivianna Shipley
Olivia Shipley
Eva Shipley
Archer Slimp
Ember Slimp
Charlotte Tijerina
Owen Villarreal
Brooks Wilson
Reis Zaleski
Ainoa Zuloaga


Yellow Troupe (Townsperson/Oompa Loompa)
Maluhia Ariz
Kapono Ariz
Christopher Beecroft
Noah Beecroft
Rosie Blair
Sofia Cardoza
Hallie Cates
Ainsley Collins
Adalind Craig
Kayleigh Cunningham
Stephen Cunningham
Juliette Daugherty
Lucius Goldman-Horn
Blakelee Green
Avery Grosz
Sofia Heckner
Ollie Heinrichs
August Helm
Elizabeth Huckaby
Leighton Joyce
Adeline Krueger
Roxanne Lowe
Nicole Lowe
Henry Oertel
Luke Osborne
Tommy Ovaitt
Emily Perkinson
Natalia Ragsdale
Vada Stoker
Madelyne Taylor
Valentina Uribe
Deacon Wilson